• Do Your Research – Check references & reviews to see what others are saying about the contractor or business you’re looking to hire. Be sure to check their credentials and make sure they have the appropriate state licensing.

  • Get That Permit – You’re taking a great risk if you don’t have your job permitted by the city. Not doing so can result in fines and endanger the safety of your home and family.

  • Set A Budget – When planning a remodel or renovation it’s important to know how much money you have to spend and allocate where it should be spent. Having an outline will help you stay on track and not brake the bank! Make sure to always set aside a little money for those unforeseen issues you could run into during the renovation.

  • Use a Professional – There are some projects that a DIY job is great for, but when dealing with structural integrity, piping, gas, or electrical it’s always best to consult a professional. They’ll have the experience to get the job done correctly and the ability to handle any unforeseen issues that an amateur or “DIY-er” wouldn’t know about.

Intown plumbing is licensed and has the experience to handle the plumbing on any remodel project – so don’t hesitate to give us a call.